Camberley photographer Nina Mace
Child Photography Workshops

Question of the day

Are photography workshops worth it?

Is photography training really worth investing in?


I am often asked if it’s beneficial to attend photography workshops, so I am sharing my thoughts on why you should attend and what to look for when searching for the perfect photography workshop!

Anyone interested in photography should consider attending a photography workshop, especially one that a well-known expert organises. These workshops offer an excellent chance to see, learn from, and exchange ideas with accomplished photographers. A quality workshop provides insight and expertise that photographers cannot find elsewhere.

best photography mentor

Photography training with Nina Mace

Attending a photography workshop can inspire you

Workshops on fashion, family photography or landscapes can be pretty inspiring, especially if they are relevant to your interests.

At these courses, even seasoned photographers can find new inspiration and drive, and it may even encourage photographers from different professions to try something they haven’t done before.

I am predominantly an outdoor family photographer, but I have found inspiration from attending street photography and landscape workshops. I found the challenge of different lenses and using different camera settings inspiring, and I ended up integrating some of these techniques into my family photo shoots.

It’s an opportunity to meet other photographers

Meeting people who share your passion for photography is one of the best things about taking a photography course. These people can share ideas and learn from others who share their love in the ideal setting offered by workshops.

Even for professionals, workshops are a fantastic opportunity to pick up new knowledge or brush up on old ones in the company of like-minded people.

As an example, in my outdoor family workshops, I often have a group of photographers with differing levels of experience who use different camera brands and lenses. Seeing the same image shot through a different lens is a wonderful way to learn and understand your style.

surrey photography workshop
Camberley Family photographer Autumn shoot

All the organising is done for you! 

A well-organised photography workshop means you can turn up and focus on the photography. The workshop owner should organise the location, models, transport if needed and ideally, food and drinks throughout the day.

The better organised the day, the more you can focus on your technical understanding (such as shutter speed, exposure, and aperture) and if you are working with models understanding how to get the best from them in terms of posing and connection.

A great workshop will also show you how to rely less on image editing software (such as photoshop and lightroom) and more on your knowledge and tools.

Workshops are an opportunity to get personalised feedback 

The most successful workshops are where you also have an opportunity to interact 1-2-1 with the trainer. Sharing the images, you are taking on the day and asking for feedback is critical to any photographer’s growth. My in-person workshops have a maximum of 6 attendees to ensure all of the photographers attending have an opportunity to ask questions and are their images so they can practice until they create the image they are hoping for.

It’s important to remember that envisioning an image before taking it is crucial to the success of the final image for newer photographers who may still be training their photography eye and benefit from feedback.


Commercial Children's Photographer
Camberley Family photographer Autumn shoot

You can choose where you would prefer online or in-person photography training.

There are online workshops available, as well as conventional on-site and travelling photography classes. Online training works particularly well when it comes to business or editing workshops, and shooting is often best in person.

When looking for an online course, consider whether you have time to master the techniques being taught and whether you have an opportunity for feedback.

My online editing course runs over three weeks allowing photographers the tome to try the editing techniques we discussed and then ask for feedback on their final images. Having time to practice an editing technique also means you are more likely to be able to absorb and remember the information learnt in the future.

Finally, make sure you do your research before investing in a photography workshop (my  workshops are shown below) 

It can be challenging to choose the right photography workshop because not all programmes are created equal. It’s crucial to do your homework on both the instructor and the workshop to choose one that is worthwhile for your money.

If you’re considering attending a workshop, start by researching the photographer teaching it. Although the cost of a higher-end workshop may be more, it’s crucial to take the instructor’s qualifications and expertise into account. An instructor with publications, a track record, and a lots of past clientele is likelier to deliver worthwhile teaching than one with little to no expertise.

Make sure the instructor produces high-quality photographs and that their approach to photography matches what you want to learn by looking through their portfolio. Think about the workshop’s reputation as well. Finally never be afraid to ask the trainer for contact details of people they have trained in the past and chat to them about what they learnt on the day. 


Photography Training Photography Workshops

If you would like more free photography training please join my Facebook Communities below

How to train to be a photographer

Beginner Photographers


Discussions around camera and lens types & CC on images

How to train to be a photographer

Professional Photographers


Discussions around shooting, editing, business & marketing 

Photography Training that I offer 

I have worked with hundreds of photographers and seen them grow into successful and fulfilled business owners who love being in this creative industry.

I offer a variety of business & marketing training, including my brand new social media for photographers course, Facebook and Instagram advertising plus SEO to get your website to the top of Google.

I also offer in person photography and editing training in Surrey, UK. 

You can find all the details by clicking on the tabs or feel free to get in touch via the contact page. 



SEO for Photographers


Facebook advertising 


Social media for photographers


Editing outdoor photography

In person

Outdoor family photography

In person

Dance photography outdoors

Here are my recommendations for Photography training in the UK 

I have worked in the photography industry for over ten years and have built relationships with a team of trainers that are the best in the business. I only recommend trainers where I have either attended their training, or  have worked with photographers who have invested with them and seen real results.

nina mace photography

Outdoor photography training

Nina Mace from Nina Mace Photography 

Nina is an award-winning outdoor photographer who offers photography and editing training 



Photography training with Nina Mace


Nina Mace from Nina Mace Photography 

With 15 years business & marketing experience Nina offers a variety of workshops to help grow your business







In person sales training for photographers

in person sales training

Maggie Robinson from the Tog Academy 

Do you want to master in-person sales? Maggie runs a successful photography studio and trains photographers to grow their product sales



Gary Hill photography Trainer

studio photography training

Gary Hill – Art of the Portrait 

One of the best in the business, with multiple accolades from all of the major photography associations. Gary offers lighting training in the UK & Overseas





Stephanie Belton Photography

flash & commercial photography training

Stephanie Belton from Stephanie Belton Photography 

Want to learn how to use your flash or how to grow a personal branding and commercial photography business successfully, then Steph is the trainer for you! 

Dog photography training

Dog Photography training

Jessica McGovern from that Tog Spot

A master at all things dog photography related Jess runs an online membership to help grow your photography and your business





Do you have a question about photography training for Nina?

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Surrey family photographer

Photography Training & Workshops

Business & Marketing Mentor



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