
Very excited to announce I have become a Qualified member of the Guild of Professional Photographers…

I am very excited to announce I have become a Qualified member of The Guild of Professional Photographers (www.photoguild.co.uk) and that I now have letters after my name!! – Nina Mace QGPP I like the sound of that 🙂

Qualification involves rigorous assessment of a portfolio of 20 images and is only awarded to photographers who can evidence that they deliver high quality images, products, and customer service. I am now one of only around 85 people in the country to hold this title.

I also was over the moon to find out that I had won 6 bronze bars, and a very rare Silver bar, in Februarys Image of the month competition.

Since joining the Guild earlier this year I have met a wonderful group of new photographers who range from relative newbies to professionals who have been in the industry from over 20 years and have carved out a real name for themselves. I’m hoping to learn even more over the coming years and am very excitied to be going on my first internatinal photography trip to Paris at the end of September. We will be working with models and make up artists and photographing in the louve and around the eiffel tower…roll on September!!

My panel of 20 qualification images and shown here…

Guid of photographers qualification Panel

And this is my winning Silver Bar Photo- thanks to Kathy for having such gorgeous children!!

Guild of Photographers Silver Bar


Maternity session in Hemel Hempstead

I had an email from M saying  that she would like a photo session to remember her 3rd pregnancy and would also like some shots with her son and daughter. Just before I left for my half  term holiday we had the session and Im really pleased with the images we managed to get. We included bump, the whole family, the  kids on their own and im really excited to be going back to meet baby in a few months. Some of my favourite shots from this maternity session in Hemel Hempstead are shown below.


Maternity photo session in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire


Photographing on the beach – half term fun

This half term we braved the cold weather and headed down to Butlins for the week. It was freezing but for one day it was just cold (rather than artic) so we headed down to the beach for a while. The kids had a great time jumping off the barriers, collecting stones and generally running wild. As always I had the camera so snuck a few shots in whilst they were playing…

Photos taken on Bognor Beach by Hemel Hempstead Photographer Nina Mace



Baby photo session in Hertfordshire

This week I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah and her family who work at a company I used to work at many moons ago :-). The have a baby girl and she was at that great age where she could push up onto her tummy and was very interactive. She didn’t cry at all and towards the end of the session we went to put her to sleep but the minute I went into her room and she heard the click of my camera she woke straight up and gave me loads of smiles – I couldn’t have asked for more 🙂

baby photos hemel hempstead

Baby photo session in Hertfordshire  – www.ninamacephotography.com

Family photo session, Hemel Hempstead photographer

This week I had the pleasure of photographing a family in Reading with a 1 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. There were lots of really interesting pockets of light around the house and the kids were so good and I was really pleased with the mixture of potraits and lifestyle images that we managed to achieve. I often like the shots where the kids are just playing and being themselves the most. Some of my favourite images are shown below. Fihoto ssion, Hemel Hempstead photograLifestyle family photo session in Reading taken by Nina Mace Hemel Hempstead based photographer