Outdoor maternity photo shoot in Hemel Hempstead

Outdoor maternity photo shoot in Hemel Hempstead

I was really looking forward to this session and praying that the weather would hold out. I have know Jeff a couple of years now as he regularly rescues me. Not in the knight in shining armour type of way, but in the “help I’ve pulled my neck again” kind of way :-). Jeff is from Canada but has been training as a Doctor in the UK and in between shifts does sports massage.  He often chats to me about his wife and how excited they are to be expecting their first baby.  We discussed an outdoor photo session and his wife gave me an idea of the type of images she was looking for  through Pinterest. This is a great way to communicate about the type of images you are looking for, and also means I can give guidance on what clothes work best at the location we are planning to use.

We had great fun and also managed to get some silhouette images that I had been hoping to take….it did require me lying down in a field full of sheeps do-do but hey, whatever it takes to get the shot 🙂

Some of my favourite images are shown below

Outdoor maternity shoot

Nina Mace is an Hertfordshire based photographer who specialises in bumps, babies, children and families. Also includes baby photography in High Wycombe.