Guild of Photographers December Image of the Month Competition

The Guild of Photographers Decembers Image of the month competition results have just been announced and I’m so pleased to say I have won another Silver bar. That’s 1 Gold and 10 Silvers this year so much more than I could have hoped for when I started in January. What I would say is that this competition has helped my photography grow so much…of course its lots of fun to get certificates and recognition from your peers, but ultimately it means my customers are happy 🙂 My final 3 entries from this year are shown below and if you are interested in the Guild you can visit here and like their facebook page

Bronze bar Silver Bar Bronze bar

My trip to Paris with the Guild of Photographers Part 1

My trip to Paris with the Guild of Photographers Part 1

For those of you that follow my website, facebook page or blog, you will know I have been talking for months about going on a trip to Paris. It was organised by Andrew Appleton (see Andrews training website here) through the Guild of Photographers. I am predominantly a natural light photographer, but have always been very interested in learning more about lighting & fashion photography, so when this training course became available I jumped at the chance. I was then on a mission to convince my other photographer friends to join me and Andrea, Stephanie, Rebecca and Louise also booked.  We decided to rent an apartment in Paris and go out a couple of days earlier so we could spend some time exploring and doing some street photography. These are the lovely ladies below….

Nina Mace Phography

On the Saturday, after getting into Paris on the Eurostar, we headed to our apartment and unpacked. We then jumped straight onto the Metro and headed for the Eiffel Tower. It was a grey day but its been a very long time since I visited Paris and I forgot just how much I love the tower. Its especially magical when it lights up at night.

The eiffel tower at night amazing

As it started to get dark we met up with Elodie, a French photographer, and she took us for a walk round by the tower, down to the Seine and then we headed out for a really lovely meal. These are some of the images I took on Day 1 I especially enjoyed taking photos on the metro.

Street photography on the Paris Metro Nighttime street photography in Paris

On Day 2 we headed to the shopping district and to the museum which has a lot of street artists. There was a fantastic clown, and bubble artist, and I could have stood for hours watching the children running through the giant bubbles and having balloon hats made for them. I challenged myself on day 2 to shoot a little differently, so all day I used a fixed prime lens, the 50mm 1.4, and tried to only photograph in black and white.

Nina_0292 Nina_0293 Black and white street photography Paris Black and white street photography Paris

On Sunday night we met with Andrew and his team including Jen & Angela the models and Donna the make up artist. I’d been looking forward to meeting Jen as I’ve been following her blog for a while now as she is incredibly creative and has started her own very inspiring Dream Catcher photography project. You can read Jen’s blog here and see her interview with F Stoppers magazine here

Part 2 of my Paris trip to follow soon….