1st Birthday photo session, Bourne End Bucks
1st Birthday photo session, Bourne End
One of the best parts of my job as a family and children’s photographer, is that I get to meet the same family over and over again. I first met this family, from Bourne End in Buckinghamshire, for a maternity session. I was so pleased when they asked me to come back for a photo session to mark their sons 1st birthday.
When I arrived, he was still down having a nap (good plan Mum!) and I asked if I could go up and photograph him as he woke. I find you get the cutest expressions from little ones as they wake up, and I love capturing all of those little things that they do like twiddling their hair, and sucking their thumb.
Baby E woke up in a great best mood, and after a cuddle and some milk we had great fun playing with his birthday balloon and inventing a game of “throw the bunny”. The picture below is the moment the curtains opened, and he looked at me as if to say “who are you?”.
Once baby E was fed we headed out for a walk along the Thames path which starts at Bourne End to take some family photos. Being a typical English January it was pretty chilly but we managed to find some lovely spots along the river.
If you would like to book a photo session for your child’s 1st birthday, then please get in touch. Also if you are looking for perfect gifts for a baby take a look around Not on the highstreet, one of my favourite gift sites. They also have lots of really interesting frames and ideas for displaying photos.