This has to go down as one of my favourite sessions – firstly because I forget how much fun photographing toddlers are, and secondly because the family wanted photos of their daughter just after she’d woken from her nap just playing in her house. I photographed this family on Sunday and they moved house the following Friday so wanted to take some photos of their daughter in her first home so they could show her in years to come. We also ventured into St Albans park next to the Cathedral as this is another family favourite. I also got to take some headshots as Mum and Dad are both actors…so much fun working with people who at the drop of a hat can look happy/ sad/ emotional!! Some of my favourite images are shown below. Lifestyle family photo session in St Albans

I had an email from M saying that she would like a photo session to remember her 3rd pregnancy and would also like some shots with her son and daughter. Just before I left for my half term holiday we had the session and Im really pleased with the images we managed to get. We included bump, the whole family, the kids on their own and im really excited to be going back to meet baby in a few months. Some of my favourite shots from this maternity session in Hemel Hempstead are shown below.

This week I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah and her family who work at a company I used to work at many moons ago :-). The have a baby girl and she was at that great age where she could push up onto her tummy and was very interactive. She didn’t cry at all and towards the end of the session we went to put her to sleep but the minute I went into her room and she heard the click of my camera she woke straight up and gave me loads of smiles – I couldn’t have asked for more 🙂

Baby photo session in Hertfordshire –
We didnt have many great days this Summer but on the ones we did we managed to get the pool up in the garden and let the kids get soaked. Its so much fun watching them play, with the bbq on, and a drink or too. I only wish we had more of a Summer…how much would I love to move to Australia?? 🙂
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