Getting to know Camberley project

Getting to know Camberley project

Surrey family photographer Nina Mace : Getting to know Camberley project

Over the Summer of 2017, my family and I relocated from Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire to Camberley in Surrey. I had been hoping to move further this way to be closer to friends and family and the stars aligned and our house sold and we found another we loved on the same street as my best friend!. In August (whilst on our first family backpacking trip to Thailand) we found out that we had exchanged on our new home (see blog post here if you would like to see our family adventure) and we started packing for our big move!

Once we arrived and had settled and the kids were into their new school, I decided to run a project which I entitled “Getting to know Camberley“. I asked for local families to show me their favourite outdoor space and in exchange I would give them 5 free high resolution family images. The response was incredible with over 150 families applying and telling me all about the local area. I had some fantastic suggestions (including a fish and chip shop which I plan to visit with my family!) and I wanted to share some of these new photo shoot locations on this blog.

The first family I met was the Belnik family. Linda runs a dog walking company (xxx) so knows the area really well. She suggested we meet at Mytchett forest as its an area she visits all the time on her morning dog walk. I said to bring the dogs too as my kids would want to play with them!