Outdoor family photo session Harpenden, Rothamsted Park

I had really been looking forward to this family photo shoot in Harpenden as I love Rothamsted Park. It has this brilliant tree lined avenue, lots of green areas, and a great little playground. We had originally planned the session for back in May but in typical UK style we had to reschedule because of rain.

Rothamsted park

It seems we had better luck on the second date as we had a glorious morning.  The sun was shining, yet the park wasn’t too busy, and I knew within minutes of meeting this family we were going to have fun.

mum and son photo

We walked up to top of the park, chatting along the way, and letting their son let off a bit of steam.  I suspect he is going to be a runner when he gets older as there was no chance of me catching him 🙂

Harpenden Park

We stopped on one of the benches for some family shots – love this one that’s a really big squeeze!


little boy laughing

At the start of the photo session I promised we would visit the park at the end, so mum and dad relaxed in the sun, and I did my best to keep up with their son.


And it ended with one of my favourite photos from the session – I love that Dad got into the helicopter and played! These are the type of photos I wish I had of me and my dad growing up and I hope they will treasure it for years to come


Overall a really fun photo session in Rothamsted Park in Harpenden and a lovely family to spend my Saturday morning with.  St Albans Review newspaper has also confirmed that Rothamsted Park will be given a New Play area and Landscaped gardens in 2015 making it even better for photo shoots in 2015

Nina Mace is an National Award winning photographer based in Hertfordshire. In 2013 she was named one of the top 10 UK people photographers by the Guild of Professional Photographers. To book a session and for more details please visit here